Single channel video, silent, black and white
Juxtapose and re-edit three scenes from Jean-Luc Godard’s movie:《Masculin féminin: 15 faits précis (1966)》
將戈達爾電影《男性,女性 Masculin féminin: 15 faits précis (1966)》里的三個鏡頭並置重接。

Screen capture from "Gender Analysis: Opinion Polls "

I have rearranged vignettes from Godard's Masculin Féminin, without flavoring them with any other images or texts. The original film features Paul and Madeleine, a young man with left-wing passions for revolution and a young woman enchained by consumerism. Taking the scene with the two of them in a cinema, I have placed Paul on the left and Madeleine on the right, with Paul's monologue after his two-month social research running in the middle. Randomly shot pictures of places in Paris where people gather are shown, such as streets, cafes and metro stations; Paul was collecting opinions on various topics: "What do you think about mini-skirts? How do you react to an accident? If your lover left you for a black, would you mind? Do you know about the famine in India? What do you know what a Communist is? Do you use birth control pills or a thing in your vagina?"
In my narration, Paul first appears to be closely observing Paris in the 1960s and then closes his eyes in disappointment, whereas Madeleine plays with her hair as always, a bit curious but even more indifferent and ignorant. This narration echoes with the theme of the original film: the divide of values between men and women, even of society as a whole.
“Fleeting Memories & Written Notes”, Installation views in Shanghai Capsule