( Commissioned works for 「Art Monthly」 45th anniversary cover project. Theme: how artists understand "media" today )
A story text, Story text, electronic picture
The work consists of two parts: "A story -- a parody of a story from Calvino's collected works ‘On The Castle of Crossed Destinies’" and "A puzzle -- a cover image with Morse code information".First, the article "a story with hidden mystery" uses the writing technique 「On The Castle of Crossed Destinies」 to tell the story, which is characterized by taking Tarot cards as a narrative machine, explaining and narrating according to the order of cards and the image of cards. Some of my views on the topic are hidden in the article. Second, as the cover of the picture from the computer desktop screenshot, the desktop has many open web pages, images, video. The highlight is a notification message from "Art Monthly" (a mysterious Morse cryptographic text). This mysterious announcement will correspond to and extend the end of the story in part 1, and also reflect the theme of the cover project. Both are hidden and metaphorical.Chose to use the hidden way to do this on the cover of the work, because I think because of the art media widely spread, the art in the present almost everywhere, but usually we come into contact with the media is in a very direct way, such as direct express, direct narrative and intuitive graphical representation and so on. And I want to respond to this media intuition with a work in a form that is always hidden/hidden (such as the title of the work, the hidden text story in the work, the secret code on the cover, etc.).
The meaning of the cover code IS: ART IS ALL AROUND.
作品由兩個部分「一篇故事——仿寫自卡爾維諾文集《命運交叉的城堡》中的故事」和「一個謎底——攜帶一組摩斯密碼信息的封面圖片」組成。其一,文章「一個隱藏謎底的故事」運用《命運交叉的城堡》中的寫作手法來講述故事,它的特點是把塔羅牌當作組合敘事的機器,按照紙牌順序和牌面圖像來進行解釋敘述。文章中隱藏了我對設題的一些看法;其二,作為封面圖的圖片來自電腦桌面截圖,桌面上有許多打開的網頁、圖像、視頻。其中的重點來自由「Art Monthly」傳來的通知消息(一段神秘的摩斯密碼加密文字)。這段神秘通知將與第一部分中的故事結尾彼此對應和延伸,也同時反映了這次封面計劃的主題。二者都是隱匿、隱喻式的。之所以選擇用這種隱匿的方式去做這次的封面作品,是因為我覺得由於藝術媒體的廣泛傳播,使藝術在當下幾乎無所不在,而一般我們接觸到的媒體都是在以一種很直接的方式呈現,例如直接的表達、直接的敘述手法和直觀的圖示等。而我希望用一個處處都隱晦/不顯現不直露的形式的作品來回應這種媒體的直觀感(如作品標題、作品中隱晦的文本故事,暗藏信息的封面密碼等)。
